NAIDOC 2024: Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud & Proud

Complete scope and sequence for NAIDOC coming soon!


Teacher Tools Curriculum Aligned Classroom Resources Cultural Awareness Training Workplace Education Program

We Want To Change The Way Australia Talks About Aboriginal People

A leading Aboriginal education company, Wingaru develops and delivers programs and resources to support schools and teachers in the classroom, as well as organisations wanting to increase cultural competency in the workplace.

An Aboriginal-owned-and-operated organisation, our mission is to change the narrative around the issues impacting Indigenous communities via greater understanding and shared knowledge for the wider community.

We believe that all Australians should have access to an Aboriginal education and a broader understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, and that starts in our schools.

We know that a broad educational curriculum promotes understanding, diversity, empathy and cultural knowledge. This inclusive perspective of Aboriginal cultural identity is essential to paving the way towards combatting racism and discrimination, and reconciliation will only be achieved through education and acknowledgement of the past.

Teaching an Aboriginal curriculum in schools is a key educational objective Australia-wide, and it is widely recognised that learning with an Indigenous perspective gives children a global context to Australian history and culture.

If the children in today’s classrooms are tomorrow’s leaders, what they learn now will affect all of our futures. We think it’s time for the whole story.